
Marriott International: Breaking Chains with HotelHelp

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In a world where human rights are supposed to be a priority, a dark and devastating issue lurks in the shadows: human trafficking. Despite the rising awareness and anti-trafficking initiatives, countless lives remain trapped in this nightmare. Marriott International, recognized for their dedication to social impact, has taken a bold step by launching a new initiative to empower survivors of human trafficking.

But is it enough? Let’s explore how they’re making a difference and what more needs to be done to combat this alarming crisis.

Hotel Help

Marriott’s Latest Initiative: HotelHelp

On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, Marriott International made a significant impact by launching their HotelHelp program. This innovative donation initiative provides short-term emergency accommodations for survivors of trafficking, offering a safe haven for those escaping their circumstances. Currently being piloted in five U.S. cities, HotelHelp aims to expand to 25 North American cities by January 2025.

Marriott’s President and CEO, Anthony Capuano, emphasized the urgent need for such a program, acknowledging the scarcity of dedicated shelter beds for survivors. HotelHelp is designed to address this gap, ensuring that survivors have access to essential short-term housing.

Harnessing Technology: The Impact of HotelSwaps

The HotelHelp initiative takes inspiration from the successful collaboration of HospitalityHelps, HotelSwaps, PKF International, and the Bench. This online booking platform played a crucial role in facilitating short-term hotel stays for Ukrainian war refugees, achieving over 100,000 room nights within the first three months. Marriott now aims to replicate this success through HotelHelp, which offers essential support to survivors of human trafficking.

HotelHelp enables care and service providers to reserve up to five room nights per individual, ensuring accommodations for their clients while prioritizing the confidentiality of the survivors they assist. By taking a localized approach, HotelHelp strengthens the relationships between care providers and participating hotels, fostering collaboration to address the unique needs of each stay effectively.

Past Efforts & Future Plans

Last year, Marriott International introduced the Future in Training (FiT) Hospitality Survivor Employability Curriculum in partnership with the University of Maryland SAFE Center. This trauma-informed job readiness program empowers survivors aspiring to build careers in the hospitality industry. Marriott’s dedication extends beyond this initiative; through their sustainability and social impact platform, Serve 360, they aim to train all on-property associates in human trafficking awareness by 2025.

Final Thoughts

Marriott International is more than just a hotel conglomerate; it is a leader in addressing societal challenges such as human trafficking through initiatives like the HotelHelp and FiT programs. By leveraging its resources, Marriott not only provides a safe haven for survivors but also educates its staff to identify and respond to potential trafficking situations.

Let’s commend Marriott for its vital role in the fight against human trafficking. We hope more corporations will use their influence and resources for the greater good. To learn about Marriott’s global efforts, visit the Marriott International Serve360 website. Together, we can create a world where trafficking has no place.