
5 Tips for Recovering and Reopening Your Restaurant After COVID-19

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Among the countless businesses affected by the novel coronavirus, those in the hospitality industry have suffered some of the most significant losses. Restaurants were hit particularly hard, with major impacts on sales and employment. Your establishment likely had to bring operations to a halt for weeks or even months.

clean restaurant food meals

A great deal of work lies ahead. Everything from opening procedures to food preparation to human resources will require thorough consideration as necessary changes are implemented. No less important is the fact that restaurants play a crucial role in their communities and the overall economy.

Your customers, as well as your staff, are depending on you to get back on track as soon as possible. The following tips can help you determine what to do next.

Provide Training and Support

One of the primary concerns for restaurant owners in the current situation is the safety and wellbeing of their employees. The people who keep your business alive need assurance that they’ll be taken care of. Let them know that you’re in this together and communicate honestly about upcoming changes.

Don’t forget to ensure that everyone is up to speed on new procedures. This can include:

  • Informing staff on new hygiene and social distancing measures.
  • Making sure that employees know when to stay home and for how long.
  • Outlining contactless delivery practices.
  • Preparing for inspections.
  • Performing the necessary pre-work health checks, such as temperature screenings and questionnaires.

Prepare Your Inventory

Take a look at your supplies and ensure that everything is fresh. Discard expired food and contact vendors to ask about whether they can meet your stock requirements. Drawing up a new shopping list can help you stay organized.

Keep it Clean

Your premises might have collected a bit of dust from the extended downtime. You may also have to make a few adjustments to meet new cleaning and sanitization rules. Moreover, the health & safety of employees and customers is a top priority at the moment. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Draw up a checklist that details the daily, weekly, and monthly hygiene tasks for different areas.
  • Maintain an ample supply of sanitary equipment and resources.
  • Keep food preparation surfaces clean.
  • Disinfect restroom areas on a regular basis.

Check on Equipment

Check on your appliances and cooking equipment to verify that everything is still working. Doing this in advance will help you make any necessary upgrades or replacements on time. Ovens, refrigerators, freezers, and gas cookers are particularly susceptible to issues. You may need to contact a technician to handle air pockets in gas lines.

Make a Good Impression

Run through the social distancing and contactless practices required for restaurants.

With various measures, your operation can become safer for everyone.  For example, social distance floor stickers can help to ensure the proper distance between people.  Another effective measure is rearranging your working space to minimize close contact with others.

Contacting the local health department can help you stay on top of any new rules. This will ensure that you pass any upcoming inspections.

Before you get up and running, advertise your opening dates on your website and social media pages. Build excitement with a countdown and provide special offers to attract more customers.

Suffice to say that some challenges lie ahead. But with enough determination, you’ll be able to reopen a restaurant that thrives in spite of the current difficult times.